CALHN Nursing Education Courses

Mental Health Skills for General Nurses


In clinical practice today nurses are expected to provide care for patients diagnosed with mental illness in general hospital settings. Often this becomes a challenge when you are expected to understand and care for a patient with secondary diagnosis of mental illness. This education session is designed to provide the non- Mental Health Nurses with a relevant update of knowledge and practice around self-harm and suicide. Positive impact on quality of care delivered by Nurses will enhance their job satisfaction.


The knowledge gained in this education session will enhance the confidence of Nurses working in non- Mental Health units to provide appropriate and effective care to consumers with the diagnosis of mental illness and admitted in their care.


The participants will:

·      Understand emotional distress and suicide behaviour.

·      Understand the role of compassion and hope.

·      Gain working knowledge on Safety Plan.

·      Understand trauma informed care and use trauma informed language.

·      Gain confidence in therapeutic engagement Continuous Observation.


Suitable for Registered and Enrolled Nurses not working in Mental Health units.

Session Topics

·      Therapeutic engagement in managing distress behaviour.

·      Connecting with People: Suicide Awareness for Professionals.

·      Trauma Informed care.

·      Lived Experience Workforce.

·      Continuous Observation – therapeutic engagement.

Dates, Location & Times

All sessions will be held in the Administration & Learning Services Building at Glenside Health Services, 0800-1630.

Session dates:

4 June 2025

2 July 2025

5 August 2025

16 September 2025.


Click here to apply

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Further Information

Joshitha Mathew

Nurse Educator,  Mental Health Clinical Program

Central Adelaide Local Health Network

Telephone:  (08) 7087 1800
