CALHN Nursing Education Courses
Connecting with People - Suicide Response Training (Glenside Campus)
Connecting with People
Central Adelaide Local Health Network Mental Health Clinical Program is providing the Connecting with People approach to suicide awareness and mitigation as part of the commitment to South Australian Suicide Prevention Plan 2023-2026.
The training is provided by 4MentalHealth Connecting with People accredited trainers, to promote the provision of a standard approach to suicide mitigation. Connecting with People is an internationally recognised, evidence-based suicide and self-harm mitigation and prevention training program for all clinical staff.
Who is this course for?
Clinical staff from across the CALHN Mental Health Clinical Program (Medical, Nursing, Allied Health Professional).
This course will enable you to use the Connecting with People SAFETool™.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this full day session, each participant will have completed the following three modules
1. Suicide Awareness for Professionals
Each participant will
· Understand the myths, stigma and barriers surrounding suicide.
· Understand the scale of the problem and its impact on professionals and those in healthcare.
· Understand the role of:
- Ambivalence and interruption
- Compassion and hope
- The co-production of a Safety Plan
2. Suicide Response Part 1
Each participant will
· Be able to use the Connecting with People clinical tools to enhance your assessment of suicidal patients
· Be able to co-produce an immediate safety plan with a patient
· Know where to access further support and training
3. Suicide Response Part 2
Each participant will
· Understand the concept of the Bank of Hope and the Triple Whammy (Cole-King, 2009)
· Understand how to use the mitigation framework to record care plan actions resulting from the assessment
· To explore the option of utilizing the services provided by the NGO sector when co-producing a safety plan
· Understand how to implement evidence-based practice using the Connecting with People SAFETool™
Dates, Times and Locations
2025 Dates
Glenside Administration & Learning Services Building |
RAH 7D252 |
TQEH Room 2, L2D |
| |||
February |
18th |
March |
27th |
12th |
April |
1st |
3rd |
May |
7th |
22nd |
21st |
June |
24th |
17th |
July |
30th |
August |
6th |
19th |
13th |
September |
23rd |
4th |
24th |
October |
28th |
15th |
November |
18th |
26th |
December |
10th |
Please check Learning Central or the Mental Health Nursing Education Services SharePoint site for up-to-date information. More dates are being added and locations across multiple sites in the coming days.
A minimum number of six
participants are required for a session to be held, and failure to meet the
minimum threshold may result in the course being cancelled at short notice,
including on the day. To ensure you can attend, please ensure you have your line
managers support to enrol prior to making the booking.
If you would like to
discuss the possibility of arranging training directly for your team, please
contact the Mental Health Nursing Education Services via or 7087 1800.
Further Information
Becky Hunston
Advanced Nurse Consultant
Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Telephone: (08) 7087 1800