CALHN Nursing Education Courses

Falls Prevention Training

This course provides a variety of information for the learner to support the prevention and harm minimisation of falls.

The course includes:

  • SA Health Falls Prevention module
  • Consumer Stories
  • CALHN Resources – includes documentation, Fact Sheets and Related Learning
  • Falls Prevention Portfolio information
  • And introductions to Quality Improvement and Sharing Information (teaching)

This training is open to all CALHN staff.

Learning Intentions

The SA Health program intentions are to enable the learner to:

  • apply the correct definition of a fall,
  • recognise the importance of preventing falls and harm from falls,
  • identify common risk factors for falls and harm from falls and high-risk situations and conditions,
  • identify multifactorial and interprofessional actions that reduce the incidence of falls and harm from falls by managing and modifying the risk factors,
  • list the actions to be taken following a fall incident,
  • identify actions to engage the consumer in preventing falls and harm from falls.


The program links to and supports Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Directions Care

The course aligns with National Safety and Quality Health Service, second edition – Standards 2, 5, 6 and 8.

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC)
Falls Prevention

SA Health
Fall and Fall Injury Prevention and Management Policy Directive, Guideline and Tookit


Audience: Open to all CALHN Staff

Estimated Total Course Time: SA Health module – 1-1.5 hours; additional learning determined by learner engagement.

Assessment Type: completion of online module

Frequency: SA Health module - Once-off training, designed to be accessible for review as needed by the learner. Refer to related learning for further information.


Access Falls Prevention training here.