CALHN Nursing Education Courses
CALHN Advanced Life Support Instructor (ALS Instructor) Program
Program Aim
The CALHN ALS Instructor program aims to provide, theoretical and practical information to the CALHN ALS Instructor candidate. The CALHN ALS Instructor role is primarily concerned with the delivery of simulated refresher sessions to all currently accredited ALS providers in clinical areas that utilise an Advanced life Support emergency trolley. Specifically , session content should cover Recognising and Responding to Deterioration, Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support including knowledge of the equipment and medication on the Advanced Life Support Trolley.
Program Eligibility
The program is open to any clinician currently accredited as a basic life support instructor who is also an accredited Advanced Life Support provider currently working in a clinical area that utilises an Advanced Life Support Emergency trolley.
Line manager approval is an essential requirement. All suitable candidates interested in an opportunity to enhance their teaching and assessment skills are encouraged to apply. Training provided will be in line with current ANZCOR Advanced Life Support Guidelines.
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the CALHN ALS Instructor program participants will:
- Facilitate practical Advanced Life Support training that adheres to current Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines and CALHN Policies and Procedures.
- Facilitate practical Advanced Life Support training that encourages participant engagement in the learning process utilising adult learning and teaching principles and effective assessment and feedback skills.
- Explain and apply Work Health & Safety (WH&S) and Infection Control principles as related to ALS.
Program Content
- Role and responsibilities of the CALHN ALS Instructor
- Review of Learning Styles & Adult Learning Principles from BLS Instructor course
- Equipment and resources required for ALS practical refresher training
- Introduction to scenario-based training
- Providing Feedback
- WH&S Considerations.
Pre-application Requirements
- Current Basic Life Support Instructor
- Current Advanced Life Support provider
- Support from your manager to fulfil the role as a CALHN ALS Instructor for your Clinical area which has an Advanced Life Support Emergency Trolley.
Upon acceptance on a course, you will be given access to the CALHN ALS Instructors Program in Learning Central
Please contact for further information.