CALHN Nursing Education Courses
Vascular Access Program: including Venepuncture / Peripheral Intravascular Cannula (PIVC) Insertion
The Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Vascular Access Program is a selection of courses aiming to provide the fundamental skills and knowledge of vascular access topics. These currently include; Venepuncture, Peripheral Intravenous Catheter & Totally Implanted Vascular Access Device.
All staff are required to have the appropriate level of training prior to undertaking Vascular Access procedures e.g. managing a PICC line, inserting a PIVC, accessing a TIVAD, or Ultrasound guided cannulation. Vascular access is a time of increased risk of complications, infection and injury to patients. Data from Australia and overseas indicate that a significant proportion of patients do not receive best practice care for their vascular access devices at time of insertion and ongoing management.
Aim: The intention of this course is to improve the knowledge and practice gap between guideline recommendations and current practice, in order to reduce the rates of complications and patient harm.
Intended Audience: CALHN Nursing Staff requiring accreditation in one or more of the Vascular Access Specialty Courses.

Click here to access the program
If you require further information, please email enquiries to:
or Telephone: 7074 3500