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CALHN Nursing Education Courses

Comprehensive Clozapine Training Two Day Workshop - Glenside Health Services

For Mental Health Clinicians

Program Aim

The aim of the program is to provide participants with an understanding of all aspects of clozapine education in relation to the Therapeutic Goods Administration Clozapine Protocols, SA Health Clozapine Management Clinical guideline, drug interactions, side effect management, Adverse Event Protocols and provide information regarding the SA Health Nurse Led Clozapine Clinics and associated standardised documentation.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the online learning package and the two face to face days participants will be familiar with:

·         the basic clozapine drug action

·         interactions

·         the CPMS protocol

·         the CPMS database application and use

·         clozapine alerts

·         monitoring screens and documentation

·         the effects of clozapine on physical health

·         ECGs

·         interface and communication with pharmacy

·         Adverse Event Protocols and Nurse Led Clinic Protocols

·         consumer participation

·         SA Health Clozapine Management Clinical Guideline.

 Eligibility / Entry Requirements

Training is available to Clozapine Co-ordinators, Assistant Co-ordinators, Nurse Consultants, CNs, Registered Nurses, Pharmacists, Pharmacy Assistants, Medical Officers and Psychiatric Registrars. Nurses working in medication clinics and inpatient units are particularly encouraged to attend.

For nursing staff no partial attendance is available for this course, both days must be completed in their entirety.  For pharmacy and medical staff sessional attendance may be negotiated on request.

For SA Health nursing staff, a compulsory 4 day supernumerary placement with a community clozapine coordinator will be required in order to receive the certificate of completion.  This placement has Clinical / Co‑Director approval; it is to be completed in a 4 day block Mon – Thurs.  The placement is to be negotiated with line management.  Regional LHN participants complete a combination placement within the metro LHN Clozapine Clinics and within their home team.  Regional LHN participants also have the option of completing the Long Acting Intramuscular Injection (LAI) training during the metro placement. There is an expectation that following completion of the training participants will be available to relieve community Clozapine Co-ordinators.

Prior to the workshop each participant is required to satisfactory complete the online learning module High Risk Medicines: Clozapine.  This course is on Digital Media and can be accessed through each LHNs learning platform or for non-SA Health via the national program you will need to register and select “other”.

Participants are also required to complete the online learning module Introduction to Cardiometabolic Syndrome. This course is on most LHNs learning platform. If you are unable to access the modules you will need to contact Lisa Wilton

A certificate of completion for both online courses MUST accompany your completed application.

All participants must complete an application form that is signed by their managers acknowledging the placement requirement for nursing staff.

SA Health nursing staff are required to have completed the practical component of the biomedical measurement training prior to their placement.

Dates, Times and Locations

Two workshops will be held at Glenside Health Services in the Administration and Learning Services Building for 2024.

·        Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 April 2024 at 0800 – 1700

·        Thursday 8 and Friday 9 August 2024 at 0800 – 1700

Pre-Requisites and Assessment

Prior to attendance, completion of the High Risk Medicines Clozapine and Introduction to Cardiometabolic Syndrome modules (certificate of completion must be attached to application form).

Other assessment includes in session quizzes.


Lisa Wilton, Advanced Nurse Consultant

Telephone:  0411 22 49 04



There is no cost to SA Health employees.

Attendance fee for interstate participants is negotiated.

Other Relevant Information

Maximum of 20 places for the April program and 40 places for the August program.

People intending to apply for the two day training program are encouraged to advise Lisa Wilton of their expression of interest to secure a place while applications go through the approval process.  Applications will NOT be acknowledged unless submitted with evidence of completion of the required pre-requisites (certificate of completion is acceptable evidence).

Due to the four day placement requirement, a manager’s approval is mandatory for SA Health nursing staff attending the program.

The program is open to staff within all ten Local Health Networks of SA Health and interstate colleagues.


The completed application including certificates MUST be returned to Annette Farrell at:  with a ‘cc’ to Lisa Wilton  prior to Tuesday 12th March 2024 for the April training and prior to Monday 8th July 2024 for the August training.

Late applications will only be considered if places are available and all necessary paperwork has been approved, including evidence of completion of mandatory pre‑requisites.

click here to apply