Sensory Approaches in Clinical Care - Foundation Course

What you will learn

You will learn how to apply sensory approaches to improve and promote an individual's capacity to engage, calm, distract or improve the moment.

You will learn foundation skills in collaborating with consumers to develop sensory-based self management plans to manage distress and facilitate participation in daily life.


This course is for all Multi-Disciplinary health-care workers.

The SA Health, Chief Psychiatrist Restraint and Seclusion Standard, 2021 states it is expected that all staff will access appropriate training to assist them use sensory approaches as a treatment modality to assist in managing distress and agitation and promote least restrictive care.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course you will have a greater understanding of:

  • the foundation principles and evidence base of sensory approaches
  • how sensory approaches promote Trauma Informed Care and least restrictive practices
  • the importance of rapport, validation and empathy to promote a sense of safety, respect and trust to avoid potential trauma triggers
  • the importance of identifying individualised sensory preferences to develop meaningful sensory activity plans
  • practice guidelines to ensure safe and therapeutic use of sensory approaches
  • the application of skills to specific clinical scenarios relating to anger and agitation, panic, anxiety and stress
  • the use of a range of sensory resources including comfort rooms, calm down kits, activity packs, and sensory equipment
  • identifying situations when you should make referrals to an Occupational Therapist. For example, a comprehensive sensory assessment; complex sensory modulation plan; a sensory profile or weighted item assessment.

The learning objectives of this course correspond to Level 1 (Aware Clinician) and Level 2 (Novice Clinician) of the Sensory Approaches in Mental Health Clinical Capability Framework, Queensland Health, 2019.