An Introduction to Preventing and Responding to Challenging Behaviour

This course aligns with the SA Health Policy Directive, Policy Guideline and Toolkit relating to challenging behaviour.

Intended Audience: This course is for all health care workers.

Content Summary: It describes what challenging behaviour is and the type of strategies that can be put in place to prevent, and when necessary respond to these incidents.

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • identify the main types, key causes, triggers and contributing factors of challenging behaviour
  • understand challenging behaviour from the perspective of both a consumer and a staff member
  • identify the stages of a challenging behaviour and the strategies that can be applied to prevent, de-escalate and reduce harm
  • understand and apply principles of good communication
  • identify safe systems of work for getting assistance/back-up
  • identify actions that will optimise recovery for both the consumer and staff member following an incident.

CPD: Approximately 1 hour