Fundamentals of Adult Burns

This course is designed for healthcare professionals who provide care for adult patients with burns. It covers the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of adult burn patients, including various types of burns, their causes, and management strategies.

By the time you have completed the course you should have a good understanding and ability to complete the following learning objectives:

Ability to gather and understand information for clinical assessment of an adult with a major burn.

  • Understand common mechanisms of burn injuries.
  • Understand the impact that burn size and depth have on wound healing and the clinical management of a patient.
  • Be aware of the importance of fluid resuscitation.

Clinical reasoning
Facilitate clinical decisions to ensure timely & targeted interventions with specific outcomes.

Understand the surgical treatment options for different depth and size burn injuries as well as physiotherapy treatment techniques in the context of acute care and post-acute scar rehabilitation.

  • Knowledge of the different types of burn wound closure. 
  • Knowledge of the importance of early mobility and stretching after acute burn injury.
  • Importance of post-acute/rehabilitation in building strength and cardiovascular fitness.